James William Peercy
Mystery, Action & Adventure, Paranormal Romance, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Children's, Poetry
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- Books
- Member Since
Jun 2017
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
29 May
- Profession
Author and Computer Technology
James William Peercy fell through a portal into the publishing biosphere in 2012. Previously, he had been observing his own world and recording it since the age of 10. James continued writing while attaining a degree in Computer Science, getting married, raising dogs, and starting a business. Since all worlds exist simultaneously, he has added two book series, the Cliff Fulton mystery series and the Xun Ove fantasy series. With a mind constantly moving, he devotes his downtime to writing, enjoying a bit of travel, and adoring his wife, Claudette.